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Dependency Dropdowns

How to create a dropdown list that changes dynamically based on other data in your form

Joy avatar
Written by Joy
Updated over 5 years ago

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If you want to show a dropdown field that can change dynamically depending on other data, you need to use something called a dependency dropdown. To do this, start with your master. Here is one with all of the Approved Items for Purchase. In this example, let’s take note of the columns ItemName, Vendor, and Dept.

In my form, I’ll first create a master field called Department. It will refer to the Master named Approved Items for Purchase, and the Field will be Dept. Make note of the Field ID here.

Then I’ll make another master field called Item. I’ll refer to the same master, but this time I want to show the ItemName.

To restrict this field to only show items approved for the right department, I have to add a filter. In this case, I will make sure the department is equal to a certain formula. The formula is the fieldID of the field you want to restrict based on dot the name of the column in the master you are restricting the options. 

In our case, this looks like 


Let’s check the live form.

First I get to chose my department. Then I only see items that match that department.

You can add as many additional parameters as you want. For example, after someone’s selected the right item, you may want them to choose which Vendor to order it from.

We can do this in a similar way. Just add another master field to your form called Vendor. Map it to the same master, but let it show the Vendor name.

This time, we’ll need two filters. The first one is the same as before with the formula Department_.Dept

The second filter will be that the ItemName should be equal to the formula Item.ItemName. Remember that the first part of the formula refers to the FieldID and the second refers to the master column.

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