If you want to build your own app, select Create Your Own App from the Apps Tab.
Start off by giving your App a name and a description to help users choose the right process to initiate.
This is where you will build your form that stores all of the data for each workflow item. You can create different sections for data, and different fields within the sections. There are many basic and advanced fields you can choose from.
This is where you will build the sequence of tasks and actions that take each item from start to finish. You can add approval tasks (which allow users to send items back in a workflow) or input tasks.
Parallel branches allow for multiple tasks to be done at the same time, or can be used to create alternate workflows depending on a condition. A Goto will automatically send an item to a later or earlier part of the workflow depending on the conditions.
Actions are system tasks. They can be used to send emails, start a new item in a different process, update a master, or send data to a webhook for integrations.
On the left, you see every task you created in the workflow. On the right are all the fields that can possibly show. You can change the fields to be editable, read-only or hidden. For computed fields, you can determine whether they are visible or hidden. You can also create conditions for fields to only show in certain situations.
When you publish an app, it is live for all users. You also have the option to create a public form, change the form layout, set a subject for each workflow item, and add other admins to this app.
Editing Your App
You can access your app anytime from the Apps tab, or directly from the form on the Home tab by clicking the button Customize App.